This DVD (The Oil Paintings of Raymond Shaw from 2004 to 2006: inner landscapes–an excursion into the world of meaning) is no longer available (nor is the contact information correct; please use the contact page on this site).
It contained an original soundtrack by the artist, as well as a commentary. The commentary version is presented below.
This is a documentary of a collection of oil paintings by the Canadian painter Raymond Shaw. The works covered were all done between the years 2004 and 2006. The artist provides a commentary for each of the paintings.
A sequel to the promotional DVD video displayed on this page was planned and completed but never released. Then, in a hard drive crash, the video was lost. Recently, a version was discovered, but technical issues made it impossible to share the video. With the help of a dear friend, the footage can now be shared.
The video is The Artist’s Story—paintings of Raymond Shaw (2007–2011).